Tuesday, November 15, 2005

the G Day!

Friday, December 23rd at 8:30, I will be writing my GMAT test.
Wish me luck!


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Alice B. said...

Hey MB,

Good luck with the exam! You are certainly casting a wide net what with your consideration of INSEAD. I know another american who just got into that school BTW.

Anyway, I responded to all of your comments over on my blog. You were hard at work today I see! :P

At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone just mentioned to me the existence of your blog. It brought back some fond memories of when I went through the application process. Of course, we had no blogs back then to share our experiences. Good luck on the GMAT exam.

Just out of curiosity, why didn't you include Wharton in your list? I am a graduate (Class of 1993) and there are a few other Haitians who graduated from there. In fact, one of my Haitian friends (straight from Haiti, no less!) did his MBA/PhD at Wharton and is now an assistant professor of finance at Columbia Business School.


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